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~roasting nuts and getting creative with photography

I spent a day in preparation for some holiday dishes, and testing some flavor combinations to add a twist to the regular Thanksgiving fare. The result was a full day in the kitchen, lots of stock photos for this blog and not a lot of completed items. As I said, it was a prep day.

The German map in roasted Hazelnuts is my favorite result of the whole adventure. I’ve been thinking about how to do an art food shot that most accurately reflected the goals here with this blog and might make a good art print. I think this does it.

Why Hazelnuts? Quintessential flavors, of course. Walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts seem to be the big three in Germany. No official stats on that, just the careful observation of recipes as I scour books and the internet for ideas on what makes German food German. I have then on hand for a chocolate mocha cupcake I have in mind to make. Hazelnut mochas seem to be a German thing. So there you go. Of course, roasted nuts are the best nuts. I am not sure why so many people eat them raw, they seem awfully bland to me. But then my palate likes sharper flavors.

I may even make this the new title picture.